- 2016 calendar goes here
- Dec 13, 2015 - Club Meeting.
- Sharpe's Farm 2016 annual cleanup day will be in April, date to be selected at the December HELDCA meeting It is weather and flooding-dependent, so check back before heading there for more details as we get closer.
- 2016 German Shorthair Pointer Club of America Water Certificate test Sunday June 26, Sharps Farm dike side, Hopkinton NH. We have a training day scheduled on the 25th as well.
- 2016 Katahdin Specialty show is with the Cheshire Kennel Club, in Keene NH, date TBD
- Next club meeting is Sunday December 13th, 2015 at Pat Russell's home at 10AM
- 2016 Fall Hunt Test Doubleheader is Saturday & Sunday, Sept. 10&11, 2016, with the Northern NE Brittany Club.